Ahh, summertime!
Fun, Sun and Families......
I hope you're enjoying the season and are having fun making wonderful family memories. We're geared up for a busy summer creating beautiful portraits for our clients. Some of the special themes we're concentrating on are:
Cowboy/Cowgirl Spirit Portraits: Is your child a fan of horses and westerns? Would you love a classic portrait of your little one in a barn setting? Our Cowboy Spirit Limited Edition session is just the thing for you, held at a local barn with lots of cowboy charm. Join me on July 31 and August 1 and create a timeless portrait of your little wrangler. Special limited edition pricing will be in effect and availability is limited. Call 409-256-9116 now to schedule your appointment. Recommended ages 2 to 10 years.
Outdoor Portraits: Take advantage of the scenic area we live in, and create a family portrait in one of our beautiful locations this Summer. We've scouted out several breathtaking locations to suit every family's style. Want a portrait in a formal garden? A casual portrait on the beach? A lovely tree-lined area next to a sparkling lake? We've got the perfect location for you! Call 409-256-9116 now to secure your spot on our schedule.
School Portraits: These beautiful, traditional school headshots are offered at fantastic pricing - packages start at only $29.00. On September 12th, 18th and 19th, we'll be conducting our popular School Portrait sessions. During our quick, caring session, we will capture their true expressions, while paying attention to details. No more upturned collars, blinked eyes, and other careless imperfections! Call today to reserve your session for children preschool thru age 14.
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